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About Gary - Leadership | Gary Glass Consulting

About Gary

“Change is Inevitable, Growth is a Choice.

There’s a very important question I want to ask you.


Many people want more money, better relationships, lower weight, better health and fitness, help their favourite charities more, all sorts of things.

My business is to help you get what you want.

My name is Gary Glass and I’ve served as a Contract Technical Manager for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory for over 30 years, responsible for buying hardware that has orbited the earth, been sent to Mars and Jupiter and all over the solar system while simultaneously being a serial entrepreneur in real estate and small businesses. So for over 30 years, I’ve gotten NASA what they wanted, and I’ve gotten what I’ve wanted too.

And now, I’m really excited to apply what I’ve learned in that area with the teachings from Bob Proctor and Sandy Gallagher to make you as successful as the spacecraft I’ve worked on, in order to get YOU WHAT YOU WANT.   

You may have heard of Bob, he’s a star in the hit movie “The Secret” and has been teaching people how to maximize their potential and to be successful for more than 50 years. He’s taught success strategies to companies like IBM, Prudential Life Insurance, Malaysia Airlines as well as individuals like Oscar AND Emmy winning Executive Producer Phil Goldfine how to be successful.

… and Sandy, she was a Banking attorney who specialized in bank mergers and has done over $100B of business…how’d you like to have somebody on your team that’s done over $100B of business??? I know I did, and now I do.

Between the three of us, we’re the best at teaching how to increase productivity and becoming successful. We teach that Success is a System that can be duplicated by doing things in a certain way, and that’s exactly how we teach.

Napoleon Hill famously has said: “What your MIND can CONCEIVE and BELIEVE, it can ACHIEVE.” Do you want results that stick? Click the button below or Call us and let’s see how far and how fast YOU GET WHAT YOU WANT!

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