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The Science of Getting Rich - Leadership | Gary Glass Consulting

The Science of Getting Rich


Product Features:
• Learn how to think in a certain way that will get you the results you REALLY want
• Learn a special ‘trick’ to keep in your pocket that can instantly turn your day, week, project, life around at any time
• Discover how to simplify the process of earning money and how to implement it.

The Program includes:
• 10 Lessons
• 18 audio lessons that you can easily download to your computer or mobile device and access the lessons at any time that is convenient for you
• 210 page digital and print-ready Science of Getting Rich workbook.



The Science of Getting Rich Program Overview

Get rich in a predictable and reliable way with The Science of Getting Rich. Enjoy more abundance, joy and wealth without working harder or giving up all your time. 

The Science of Getting Rich is quite possibly the most impactful personal development program. It teaches the foundations of personal development, the law of attraction and achieving the life you really want. As such, it can teach you how to execute and achieve any goal with precision and accuracy.


• Introduction: The Basics
• Session 1: The Right to Be Rich
• Session 2: The Science of Getting Rich
• Session 3: Is Opportunity Monopolized?
• Session 4: The First Principle
• Session 5: Increasing Life
• Session 6: How Riches Come to You
• Session 7: Gratitude
• Session 8: Thinking in a Certain Way
• Session 9: How to Use the Will
• Session 10: Further Use of The Will

Are you ready to escape the trap of living an average life?



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